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It time to get serious..Seriously!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Firstly i really cannot imagine myself doing any shit for a living except being a footballer.
And secondly i have been shitted today by a teacher talking about studying for a life and stuff .
Hes saying something like after o level go poly or jc or ite
and the years he mentioned frighten the shit out of me it goes like this poly 3 year blah blah jc dunno how many then ite 2 years higher shitech 3 years then university say wad degree 1 year masters 3 or something then phd 5 years .
To me it sounds pretty funny as if im gonna waste ANY MORE FUCKING TIME SERVING THE FUCKING SHIT OF MY FUCKING COUNTRY's NONSENCE!!!
i rmb going to primary 1 thinking it will soon end and the years roll by easily now im in secondary sch the years scream by then suddenly comes the shit the poly the ite the shit when the fuck am i going to enjoy some freedom as a teenager because i did not have any freedom as a kid is there freedom at all ?amazing i think i better go join some africian tribe so i don have to worry bout money and shit.
To me having o level according to football is to be semi-professional player having wadever name for th epoly's certificate is like aready a proffesional footballer then a degree is going overseas in europe japan or korea to play proffesional football then masters is playing in the premier league then finally ! PHD is playing for Manchester United!
YOu get me ?ur pathetic .
The thing is if u can study like fuck for that shit degree why cant u train like fuck for ur fucking dream!?
Go to hell people!
~LYJ, 8:54 PM
Something is very wrong with singapore.
Monday, January 4, 2010
This is what i think:In singapore when the economy goes bad they depend on the citizens they raised our taxes and other stuff so they could survive.
Yes they survived everytime ,but many of the citizens will not.
In singapore all you can do is Is study.
All they think YOU SHOULD do is STUDY.
Everything else is being naive?!
Every single citizens who either failed or suceeded in their studies will also have to teach their childrens that studying is the most important shit in singapore.
Every Child is suppose to have a naive dream but every single one of this childrens in singapore who have those naive dreams are shut up straight from their parents.
They do not even think about whether it is possible they just think nothing elses matters then studies.
Every single citizens is typical shit.
Every young's person who have a dream and has been trying should know that in singapore it is really hard because they sucks .Theres no football field theres no football clubs to join theres nothing everything needs money.
Heres one for you guys.
Have you ever wondered why people can be movie stars and we are just typical shit?
HEres the answer because people like you dare not fucking dream! Do u think those movie stars are born to be movie stars ?
They have a dream too they tried hard they suceeded.
I have two dreams now.
One to be a footballer in england or in europe.
The other is to destroy singapore.
I am serious.
~LYJ, 1:33 PM

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player's profile
Name:Lee Yong Jian
Debut:(birthday)30 July 1994
Stronger Foot:Left
Favorite Players:Best,Rooney
My WishList
1.Get a Footy Club
2.Get another chance
3.Improve in football
4.Everyone have good health
5.Nothing bad happens
6.Find my psp back
7.Get a ps3 with it too
8.Get to Train Properly
9.Manchester United do well
10.Be as good as i want(football)
Football Progression
Just wanna keep track :)(according to my sastisfaction)
1.Crossing (60%)
2.Shooting (55%)^
3.Passing (75%)
5.GoalKeeping (35%)
6.Speed (67%)^
7.Power (40%)
8.Skill (85%)^^
9.Finishing (55%)vv
10.Control (60%)^
12.Motivation (30%)^^
13.Accuracy (70%)^^
14.Heading (25%)^^
15.Volley (35%)
16.Curling (40%)
17.My Current Form (30%)^
If everything improves to 100% it is when im
good enough to play professional in a big club!
The percentage is given strictly! As fair as possible
Well i got only about 3 more years
transfer window
Youtube Channel
Zheng Hou
Gerald Tan
Pang Loong
Yean Teng
Li Hern
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August 2009
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January 2010
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October 2010

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